Wednesday, June 30, 2010

The Universality of Islam

The universality of Islam is translated by its very mission as rahmatan li al-'alamin (a mercy to all creation). In Islam,the commandments from Allah SWT are to be obeyed and translated in day to day practices. As such, the basic principles of shura, justice, freedom, and equality prevail in a society and are experienced by all the creatures.

In this kind of ambiance, one is assured of his or her right - honor, progeny, religion, wealth, life, and intellect are protected. Ecological balance is preserved which shall contribute towards sustainable development. The minority enjoys the same standing except in matters of religion. No authority is above the law. As far as Muslims are concerned, iman and ihsan assume the role of moral sanctioning. Age, color, position, race and gender are all blind as long as the state of the former remains operative.

As such, why is it Islam remains exclusive? Are the Muslims not playing their roles or the Others are still imbued with prejudice mind?

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Di Mana Pegangan Hidup?

Kecelaruan hidup manusia hari ini menuntut satu penyelesaian atau jalan keluar.

Pegangan hidup yang kabur, tidak tetap bahkan salah telah mendorong manusia untuk membuat pilihan yang salah lagi merosakkan.

Berapa ramai yang mengambil jalan mudah dengan membunuh diri apabila dihimpit dengan masalah atau tekanan hidup.

Berapa ramai bayi-bayi yang tidak berdosa menjadi korban demi menutup ketelanjuran pelaku zina yang memilih keseronokan pantas.

Berapa ramai kanak-kanak, gadis-gadis sunti, wanita-wanita tua dan kurang upaya yang menjadi mangsa hawa nafsu dek kerana teransang oleh tarikan seksual dari perempuan-perempuan yang mendedahkan tubuh mereka.

Berapa ramai yang menjadi mangsa kecederaan hatta kematian dek kerana anak, adik, abang, cucu, suami atau jiran yang kehabisan bekalan stok yang memberi kenikmatan atau keseronokan palsu.

Berapa ramai yang angkuh dan berlagak sombong dengan menindas orang lain seolah-olah kekuasaan dan pangkat yang dimiliki mereka adalah hakiki.

Berapa ramai yang diberi amanah sewenang-wenangnya memperlakukan alam serta khazanah yang ada di dalamnya sebagai hak milik peribadi hatta menidakkan hak manusia dan makhluk lain.

Berapa banyak keruntuhan rumahtangga yang berlaku dek kerana isteri atau suami dengan mudah meleraikan ikatan suci akibat dari panahan asmara yang palsu.

Betapa kuatnya tarikan kebendaan sehingga anak-anak menjadi yatim piatu seharian malah lebih lama dari itu apabila ibubapa disebukkan dengan menambahkan harta pencarian.

Betapa terhimpitnya kehidupan sehinggakan dengan mudahnya nyawa dikorbankan untuk mendapatkan seratus atau dua.

Gambaran di atas adalah sebahagian daripada kehidupan yang berlaku dalam masharakat yang tenat - masharakat yang telah hilang pegangan hidup atau masharakat yang berpegang kepada pandangan alam yang salah atau menyeleweng.

Bukankah kehidupan ini sementara dan akhirat itu kekal abadi.

Bukankah manusia itu asalnya hina dan kerdil tetapi diberi tanggungjawab untuk memakmurkan bumi agar keadilan Allah SWT dapat dijelmakan.

Bukankah alam itu dijadikan indah dan terbentang luas supaya manusia dapat merasakan kewujudan Penciptanya seterusnya memanafaatkannya dengan mentadbirnya dengan penuh rahmah.

Jawapan afirmatif kepada persoalan di atas memberi asas atau panduan kepada manusia untuk mencorakkan kehidupannya supaya sejahtera di dunia dan mendapat kebahagiaan di akhirah.

Monday, June 7, 2010

A Reminder - al-Isra : 16

The rampant ills in the society today only reflect our deviation from the way of life enjoined upon us as bearers of rahmatan lil 'alamin. Our negligence of the injunctions only lead us to much sorrow and pain. In our haste to solve our problems, we resort to means and ways, which unfortunately create more problems. The roots of the ills remain. Let not this be the beginning of the destruction of our Ummah - those in power please play your roles....a reminder from Surah al-Isra : 16 (EN 18 from The Meaning of the Qur'an).

"Here a definite form of Divine procedure for the destruction of a people has been stated. When the well-to-do people of a habitation become disobedient, it is a portent that it is doomed to destruction. After their persistent and continuous transgression, the well-to-do people become so obdurate in their disobedience that they begin to discard the instinctive dictates of their conscience. The same thing has been stated in v. 16: "When We decree that a habitation should be destroyed We give Commands to its well-to-do people and they show disobedience." This is because Allah has created conscience for the guidance of man. Therefore, the dictates of conscience are really the commands of Allah. Thus it has become quite obvious that by "When We decree that a habitation should be destroyed" is not meant that Allah intends to destroy it without any reason. It is destroyed because after their disobedience "that habitation incurs Our just wrath and We totally exterminate it." The habitation deserves such a punishment because its common people follow the well-to-do people who are the factual leaders of a community and are mainly responsible for the corruption of the community. At first the well-to-do people commit acts of disobedience, wickedness, mischief, cruelty and tyranny and then the common people follow them and incur the torment of Allah. Incidentally, this is a warning for every community that it should be very discreet and prudent in choosing and electing its leaders and rulers, for if the latter are mean and wicked, they will inevitably lead the community to destruction."