Kemelut Ummah hari ini dikenal pasti oleh sebahagian besar daripada pengkaji sebagai tipisnya iman Keadaan ini dicerminkan oleh tahap kerohanian, keintelektualan serta akhlaq mereka. Peranan tenaga-tenaga pakar serta kepentingan mereka ditempatkan pada kedudukan yang sesuai perlu diberi perhatian dalam menangani permasalahan ini. Sering kali kita memberi tumpuan yang berlebihan untuk mencari penyelesaian kepada permasalahan kerohanian dan akhlaq tetapi mengenepikan usaha untuk mempertingkatan intelek yang menjadi asas kepada kedua-duanya. Usaha semasa oleh mereka yang anti kepada Islam ialah untuk meruntuhkan asas ini. Mereka melibatkan diri dengan kajian yang terperinci dan spesifik berhubung dengan Din al-Islam dan mempersiapkan hujjah-hujjah bertentangan yang mampu memberi kelebihan kepada mereka terutama dalam menimbulkan keraguan berhubung dengan iman dan keyakinan kita. Oleh kerana itu, adakah memadai peranan yang dimainkan oleh sarjana-sarjana
i) al-Qur’an hanya setakat mengajar qiraat, tajwid, dan taranum dengan mengabaikan perhubungan bermakna dengan al-Qur’an dan ulum al-Qur’an?
ii) al-Hadith hanya setakat memberi tumpuan kepada pembacaan dan syarahan matan dengan mengabaikan ulum al-Hadith?
iii) Fiqh hanya setakat mengesa pengikut-pengikutnya supaya sempurna dalam fiqh al-ibadah dan fiqh al-mu’amalah dengan mengabaikan fiqh al-mu’asirah oleh kerana pandangan-pandangan alam pasca-moden sedang menenggelamkan asas-asas kepercayaan Ummah?
iv) Sirah hanya setakat menanam dalam hati pengikut-pengikutnya perhubungan emosi dengan ar-Rasul SAW, keluarganya, dan para Sahabah RA dengan mengabaikan kaedah bagaimana untuk menterjemahkan konsep dan prinsip Islam dalam masa dan suasana yang berubah?
Pada masa yang sama, tenaga-tenaga pakar dalam bidang yang berlainan terutamanya pakar sains dan teknologi mesti ke hadapan untuk menawarkan kepakaran mereka kepada bidang-bidang yang kritikal dan penting. Dalam usaha untuk memperkasakan Ummah,
i) pakar-pakar dalam media dan ICT perlu berusaha untuk memanafaat bidang ini kerana ia adalah alat yang paling berkesan dalam membentuk sikap dan perlakuan manusia.
ii) pakar-pakar sains tabi’i merebut peluang untuk meneroka tanda-tanda dan ilmu-ilmu Allah SWT yang tiada sempadan.
iii) pakar-pakar teknologi mesti terpanggil untuk membangunkan teknologi alternatif dalam kerangka falsafah dan pemikiran peradaban Islam – ini kerana teknologi yang dipinjam atau dipindah hanya akan menjadikan Ummah terikat disamping kedua-duanya mempunyai implikasi terhadap budaya dan persekitaran.
iv) pakar-pakar sains dan teknologi sebagaimana yang dicadangkan oleh seorang pemikir Islam perlu
a) melihat kepada polisi-polisi dalam sains dan teknologi yang boleh
membawa negara-negara Islam bersama dan mempamirkan kebaikan
pendekatan yang berkerjasama dan bersatu.
b) meningkatkan kerjasama sains dan teknologi di antara negara-negara Islam ke tahap di mana pengumpulan sumber-sumber manusia menjadi satu proses semula jadi.
c) melihat kepada peranan yang boleh dimainkan oleh sains dan teknologi dalam mencipta negara Ummah sejagat.
Pakar-pakar sejarah, sains sosial, geografi, matematik, pengamal perubatan, geologi, antropologi dan lain-lain mempunyai peranan dan kedudukan yang ditentukan dalam memperkasakan Ummah. Di sana mesti ada perbincangan yang serius, mengikat dan mendalam berhubung dengan Din al-Islam dan usaha untuk memperkasa Ummah dan seterusnya peradaban. Perbincangan-perbincangan ini mesti dipimpin oleh pakar-pakar dalam bidang masing-masing. Melibatkan diri dalam perbalahan yang berkait dengan urusan-urusan Din al-Islam akan hanya memberi kesan kepada generasi pelapis iaitu keraguan dalam menentukan kebenaran. Keprihatinan kita mesti ditumpukan kepada membentuk komuniti bukan ‘cult’. Membekalkan Ummah dengan kerangka falsafah dan pemikiran berlandaskan ilmu-ilmu yang sahih adalah penting untuk melindungi iman mereka. Ilmu itu sangat berpengaruh dan ia mempunyai kuasa untuk merubah Ummah. Wallahu’alam.
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Positioning the Specialists towards Empowering the Ummah
The Ummah’s current state, which is identified by majority as lack of iman is reflected in their spiritual, intellectual, and moral strengths. The role of the specialists and that they be positioned at the right place is crucial in this matter. Oftentimes we fall back to merely finding solutions to the spiritual and moral problems by neglecting the foundation of the two that is the intellectual. The contemporary effort of those hostile to Islam is to undermine this foundation. Their in depth and specialized studies of our Din and counter arguments will have the upper hand with respect to creating doubts in our iman and Din. Therefore, is it a sufficient role for our scholars of
i) al-Qur’an to just teaching qiraat, tajwid, and taranum at the expense of meaningful engagement with it and the sciences of al-Qur'an?
ii) al-Hadith to just engage in reading and lecturing at the expense of sciences of al-Hadith?
iii) Fiqh to just exhort the followers to be immaculate in fiqh al-ibadah and fiqh al-muamalah at the expense of fiqh al-mu’asirah as the post modernism worldviews are engulfing our very fundamental belief.
iv) Sirah to just imbue the followers with the emotional attachment to the Prophet SAW, his family and Sahabah RA at the expense of not knowing how the Islamic concepts and principles are to be translated into practice in changing time and circumstances?
On the other hand, the specialists in other fields specifically the scientists and technologists must come forward to lend their expertise in critical and vital position. In empowering the Ummah,
i) the media and ICT are thought to be the most powerful tools in molding and shaping their thoughts and actions
ii) the natural scientists are yet to explore the limitless signs and knowledge of Our Creator
iii) the technologists are to develop an alternative technology within the philosophical and intellectual framework of Islamic Civilization as borrowed or transfer technology will only make the Ummah becoming more dependent besides it has cultural and environmental consequences
iv) the scientists and technologists as proposed by one Muslim thinker, are to
a) look for policies in science and technology that will bring Muslim countries
together and demonstrate the benefit of cooperation and a unified approach,
b) increase scientific and technological cooperation between Muslim states to a
level where pooling of resources become a natural process ,
c) look for the role that science and technology can perform in the creation of
a global Ummah state.
The historians, the social scientists, geographers, mathematicians, medical practitioners, geologists, anthropologists et cetera each has their assigned role and position in empowering the Ummah. Let there be serious, engaging, and profound discourses on Din al-Islam and empowering the Ummah conducted by the experts in their respective fields. Engaging in disputes concerning matters of Din will have its consequences in the next generation for they will be left in doubt as to what is the truth. Our concern should be in building a community, an ummah not a cult. Equipping the Ummah with solid philosophical and intellectual framework based on sound knowledge is vital to safeguard their iman. Knowledge is powerful and has the power to change the Ummah. Wallahu’alam.
i) al-Qur’an to just teaching qiraat, tajwid, and taranum at the expense of meaningful engagement with it and the sciences of al-Qur'an?
ii) al-Hadith to just engage in reading and lecturing at the expense of sciences of al-Hadith?
iii) Fiqh to just exhort the followers to be immaculate in fiqh al-ibadah and fiqh al-muamalah at the expense of fiqh al-mu’asirah as the post modernism worldviews are engulfing our very fundamental belief.
iv) Sirah to just imbue the followers with the emotional attachment to the Prophet SAW, his family and Sahabah RA at the expense of not knowing how the Islamic concepts and principles are to be translated into practice in changing time and circumstances?
On the other hand, the specialists in other fields specifically the scientists and technologists must come forward to lend their expertise in critical and vital position. In empowering the Ummah,
i) the media and ICT are thought to be the most powerful tools in molding and shaping their thoughts and actions
ii) the natural scientists are yet to explore the limitless signs and knowledge of Our Creator
iii) the technologists are to develop an alternative technology within the philosophical and intellectual framework of Islamic Civilization as borrowed or transfer technology will only make the Ummah becoming more dependent besides it has cultural and environmental consequences
iv) the scientists and technologists as proposed by one Muslim thinker, are to
a) look for policies in science and technology that will bring Muslim countries
together and demonstrate the benefit of cooperation and a unified approach,
b) increase scientific and technological cooperation between Muslim states to a
level where pooling of resources become a natural process ,
c) look for the role that science and technology can perform in the creation of
a global Ummah state.
The historians, the social scientists, geographers, mathematicians, medical practitioners, geologists, anthropologists et cetera each has their assigned role and position in empowering the Ummah. Let there be serious, engaging, and profound discourses on Din al-Islam and empowering the Ummah conducted by the experts in their respective fields. Engaging in disputes concerning matters of Din will have its consequences in the next generation for they will be left in doubt as to what is the truth. Our concern should be in building a community, an ummah not a cult. Equipping the Ummah with solid philosophical and intellectual framework based on sound knowledge is vital to safeguard their iman. Knowledge is powerful and has the power to change the Ummah. Wallahu’alam.
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